The Pax Plus is a portable dry herb vaporizer made by Pax Labs. It’s known for its pocket-friendly form and durable outer body shell, making it one of the best portable vaporizers for use on the go. I use it most for hiking, biking, skiing, or any other outdoor activities where it might take a beating.
While the Pax vaporizers are pretty easy to use and maintain, I’ve compiled this small guide on using the Pax Plus Vaporizer to help you get the most out of it. You can check out my full Pax Plus vaporizer review for more information, and feel free to hit me up in the comments with any questions.
Table of Contents
Pax Plus Grind Tips
Pax vaporizers and pretty much all conduction-style vaporizers work best with a medium to fine grind. I always recommend a grinder when using a vaporizer because it helps break down the surface area of the flower. If you are looking for a new grinder check out my best grinder guide.
Pax Plus Loading Tips
Tamp down the herbs in the chamber pretty tight, but don’t go crazy with it. Conduction vaporizers heat the entire chamber and work best when all of the materials (flower) are in tight contact with the oven walls. This is why the half-pack lid is so nice for single-person sessions.
How to Power On Pax Plus
Press the power button to turn on the Pax Plus. The device will automatically begin heating to your last set experience mode. You can change temps by holding the power button down for two seconds and then a single press to change temps. Hold the power button again for two seconds to select your experience mode. You can also shake the device to select a mode.
Pax Plus Session Guide (Flower)
I recommend starting in Stealth Mode and working your way up to flavor mode throughout the session. For example, take a couple of draws at Stealth Mode (360F – 380F), change the temp to Efficiency Mode (380F – 400F), take a few more draws, and then change to Flavor Mode (400F – 420F) towards the end of the session. This method of gradually increasing temperatures is called “temp-stepping.”
Temp-stepping helps to extract all of the different compounds within the plant. Starting on lower temps (stealth mode) won’t produce the most visible vapor but you will notice the taste is much cleaner. As the taste starts to dissipate, you can then start to bump up temps to finish off the bowl. You’ll know the bowl is finished when the device doesn’t put out as much vapor and the herbs in the bottom chamber are a brown to dark brown color.
You can also save the herbs from the chamber when you are finished with a session as they still have some compounds that you can use to make AVB (Already vaped bud) butter. Check out my article on how to make chocolate chip cookies with AVB Cannabutter for more info about the process. You can also water-cure AVB to eliminate some of the taste/smell associated with the used herbs.
How to Use Concentrates with Pax Plus
I don’t use the Pax vaporizers for concentrates, but it works. I think the best approach is to load a tiny amount and start out on the highest temp. Let the concentrate chamber soak with the materials for a bit, and then start to sip until you feel the vapor starting to form on the back of your tongue/throat.
The concentrate insert will be hot after a session. Let it completely cool before removing it.
Thanks for checking out my guide on how to use the Pax Plus vaporizer. You can read more about the Pax Plus in my full Pax Plus Vaporizer Review. Hit me up in the comments with any questions.