The Dr. Dabber Boost EVO is one of the easiest portable dab rigs to use and maintain which is why I have it rated as my Best Portable Dab Rig. Check out my guide on how to use the Dr. Dabber Boost EVO below. You can also check out my full Dr. Dabber Boost EVO Review for more info.
Table of Contents
First Use (Clean and Burn-Off)
The first thing I recommend doing with any new vaporizer, dab rig, etc., is to wipe everything down with isopropyl alcohol and do a burn-off. A burn-off consists of setting the device to max temp and running through a couple of sessions.
When the device has cooled down, place a small amount of ISO on a Q-Tip, and clean out the chamber. I also recommend running ISO through the glass attachment.
How To Turn On
Click the EVO power button five times to turn the device on and off. It will remember all of your previous settings but doesn’t automatically begin heating. To begin heating, you need to hold the power button down for three seconds.
The EVO lights will blink red when the unit is heating up and display the color temp you chose when it hits temp.
How To Change Boost Evo Temps
Press the power button three times quickly to switch between temps. The Boost EVO temperature range runs from 500F to 750F, with each color representing a 50-degree change in temperature.
How To Load Boost EVO
I recommend loading a small amount (size of a rice grain). Remember, you can always load more. Overloading won’t necessarily damage the Boost Evo, but it will get dirtier faster and increase the draw resistance. Any extra debris in the vapor path will lower the overall vapor quality.
Cold Start Guide
A Cold Start consists of placing the concentrates into the chamber before heating it. This is my preferred method because it wastes less material.
I also like to start my draw a smidgen before it hits temp. I’ve found this to be the “sweet spot” and where I find the best taste. I usually take two 10-second draws, and if you’re using the recommended rice grain size dab, you should be able to clear it in 20 seconds. If not, hold the power button for three seconds to keep the session rolling for another 20.
Try to clean out the atomizer immediately after a session by placing a small amount of water at the end of a q-tip and swabbing out the bowl. This technique will drastically reduce cleaning frequency.
Hot Start Guide
A hot start with the Boost Evo consists of placing some of your materials onto a dab tool, heating the Boost Evo to temp, and then placing the materials into the atomizer. Wait until all the materials are off the dab tool, then attach the glass to the atomizer.
I recommend a quick clear of the chamber and then placing your finger over the Airflow Release to restrict a bit of air and help regulate the chamber’s temperature.
Check out my full Dr. Dabber Boost EVO Review for more info.